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Free Quiz (Test logic 2)
Question 1/6
Which of the following is the FIRST step in protecting data's confidentiality?
Install a firewall
Implement encryption
Review all user access rights
Identify which information is sensitive
Question 2/6
When referring to the data structures of a packet, the term Protocol Data Unit (PDU) is used, what is the proper term to refer to a single unit of TCP data at the transport layer?
TCP packet.
TCP segment.
TCP frame.
TCP datagram.
Question 3/6
How do you distinguish between a bridge and a router?
Bridge and "router" are synonyms for equipment used to join two networks.
The bridge is a specific type of router used to connect a LAN to the global Internet.
The bridge connects multiple networks at the data link layer, while router connects multiple networks at the network layer.
A bridge simply connects multiple networks, a router examines each packet to determine which network to forward it to.
Question 4/6
What is PHP?
Hyper test markup language
Dont know
Bridge and "router" are synonyms for equipment used to join two networks.
Designing language
Question 5/6
Is PHP a MVC Based?
Designing language
Dont know
Question 6/6
What is nodejs?
Java Script run time environment
Designing language
Programming language
Dont know