Welcome to Certangle!

At Certangle, we believe in the power of certification to open doors and create opportunities. Our mission is to streamline the
certification process, making it more accessible, efficient, and reliable for everyone involved.


Our Journey

Founded by a team of passionate professionals, Certangle emerged from the simple idea that the path to certification should be clear and straightforward. We identified a gap in the way certifications were managed and set out to bridge it with innovative solutions. Certangle LLC is a fully-featured educational platform designed to help students learn efficiently, providing on-demand, live instructor-led courses.

Certangle offers a wide range of subjects, including general knowledge courses and certification preparation courses from various vendors such as ISC2, CompTIA, Cisco, Microsoft, PMI, and more. Our platform covers topics like artificial intelligence, cloud computing, cybersecurity, data science, and more.


Our Solutions

We offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to assist individuals and organizations in navigating the complexities of certification. From initial consultation to final accreditation, our experts are here to guide you every step of the way.

Certangle provides access to high-quality practice questions that simulate the exam mindset and challenges, focusing on quality rather than quantity. We also offer live on-demand and in-class training based on student requests. Once a student registers, they can request training at a time that suits them best, ensuring personalized and flexible learning experiences.